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Strategic Analysis for Global Strategic Management - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theStrategic Analysis for Global Strategic Management. Answer: Introduction The report helps in analysis of the crucial aspects of the supermarket Carrefour Supermarket which is based in Oman. The different problem aspects of the supermarket have to be described in an effectual manner that will help them in solving the different issues appropriately. The Porters five forces analysis will help the company in solving the issues and gain competitive advantage in comparison to the other competitors in the market. The main aim and purpose of the report is to identify the external environment analysis that will help in analysis of the strategies and solve them effectively as well. The adoption of the different kind of strategies has to be analysed effectively as this will help in solving the different ethical and other issues appropriately. Proper ascertainment is required in order to understand the issues and solve them effectually as this will assist them in analysing the game changing trends and strategies of other competitors in the market appropriately as well. Mission, Vision and overview of Carrefour Carrefour is one of the supermarkets that is based in United Arab Emirates and it has wide range of selections of different kind of products and services for their customers(, 2018). The main vision of the company is to be an independent, honest along with innovative along with sustainable cooperative wherein the different customers are being able to choose from wide range of the different goods and services at the prices that is reasonable in nature. The vision of the company has to incorporate different kind of changes effectually as this will help them in managing the changes appropriately. The primary objective of the company is to serve the customers with good quality products and build sales and profits for the organization. Porters Five Forces Analysis of Carrefour The five forces analysis is essential in nature to be performed for Carrefour Supermarket as this helps in understanding the issues along with threats and rivalry from other firms in the market. The five forces analysis helps in understanding the different unique strategy that can be applied by them for the suppliers or customers in the entire market. Bargaining power of the suppliers of Carrefour is low due to several kinds of reasons wherein there is a lot that can be offered by them to the different suppliers (Yunna Yisheng, 2014). The bargaining power of the different suppliers has weak kind of intensity and this can easily affect the suppliers as well and Carrefour needs to address the factors wherein there is strong force in the large population of the different suppliers along with weak force in the high kind of availability of the supply. The large kind of population of suppliers in Carrefour has the potential to affect the firm in an ineffective manner and this can cause huge issues as well (MathookoOgutu, 0214). Bargaining power of the buyers of Carrefour wherein it is seen that the buyers demand a lot from the company and they want the best kind of offerings from the company as well (E. Dobbs, 2014). This creates huge pressure on Carrefour Supermarket in the long run and there is affect in the profitability of the firm as well. However, Carrefour has to tackle such situation with the help of building large base of the customers and this will be helpful in nature as well as this will create rapid innovation of the new products (Zhao et al., 2016). Threat of substitute products or services is the other force wherein it is seen that when the new kind of product or service meets the customer needs in different ways, the profitability of the company suffers and this cause huge issues in providing high value to customers as well. Proper ways are required to be adopted by Carrefour in order to handle the situation wherein they have to concentrate more on being more service oriented in nature along with increasing the cost of switching for the different customers as well (Rothaermel, 2014). Rivalry among the existing competitors of Carrefour is that there is existence of the rivalry in the market and it drives down the different prices of the products and the overall profitability of the company suffers as well. Carrefour needs to tackle the situation by building sustainable kind of differentiation and this helps in building scale that helps them in competing in a batter manner (Sutherland, 2014). Threat of new entrants is the other element of the five forces analysis wherein it is seen that Carrefour has to address different kind of high intensity threat from different entrants (Aithal, 2016). There is strong force of the moderate kind of cost of the capital along with moderate cost of the development of the brand as well. Carrefour has to tackle such situation by innovating their products and services by building different capacities and spend money on the research and development in an effectual manner. With the help of the Porters Five Forces Analysis of the Carrefour Supermarket, it can be seen that the company needs to implement different kind of innovative kind of strategies in such a manner that will help them in gaining competitive advantage. The strategists of the Carrefour can help them in gaining a complete picture that will influence the profitability of the organization effectually and this will help them in competing better with other competitors in the market as well. Strategy adopted by the company The primary strategy that used by Carrefour with respect to its customers is a basic customer satisfaction strategy. The different supermarkets are stocked well and all the customer demands are adhered to with respect to quality and price (Johnson, 2016). The supermarket also conducts regular sales at the given market in order to ensure that the customer visits the supermarket often. However, according to the analysis using the five forces model, it can be figured that there is intense competition in the given segment and that the company needs to further strengthen its customer satisfaction strategy in order to gain a competitive advantage. The company has various resources at its disposal. The company has a sound management with respect to the presence of different departments like Marketing, Human Resource, Customer Satisfaction, Finance and Technology (Kalkan Bozkurt, 2013). With various resources and a sound experience, the company can easily become a leader in the market by adopting a customer centric strategy. If the company is successful in doing so then it will easily be able to overcome the Bargaining power of the buyers and ensure success. Analysis of the strategy The company needs to gain the game changing strategies as this helps them in solving the issues and this will help them in exploiting the different opportunities of the other firms in the market as well. With the understanding of the Porters Five Forces Model Analysis, it will help the company in shaping those forces and solve them effectually with proper implementation of strategies effectually as well. As stated previously the company needs to see to it that the customer aspect of its strategy is improved (Lasserre, 2017). The strategy which is currently adopted by the company is very generic and there exists no specialisation with respect to it. This cannot be the case; the company needs to learn from the global competitors in order to ensure that it performs well. It can take example of its global counterparts like Woolworths, Tesco and ALDI and plan to adopt the customer centric and specialised strategies that are adopted by these firms (Martinsuo, 2013). Adopting a customer specific strategy will ensure that the company performs well and captures the attention of the market in Oman. The company can change the game by stocking the desired kind of products. As Oman has a large Indian population, the company can stock Indian origin products to grab their attention. Offering free home delivery and a hassle free customer grievance service will also help. Conclusion and Recommendations Therefore from the given analysis it can be stated that Carrefour has established itself as a leading supermarket in Oman. The company has huge resources and manpower at its disposal, which it strategically utilises to add value to their offerings. However, as analysed from the Porter`s five forces model, it could be stated that the company does not have an effective customer/buyer strategy in place and that it is very generic. After the analysis of the strategy it could be stated that the company needs to adopt a customer centric strategy for its success. In the next section certain recommendations have been made to assist Carrefour in adopting a specialised customer oriented strategy The following can be adopted: Redefining company culture- In order to adopt a customer centric strategy, Carrefour needs to redefine company culture and ensure that customer satisfaction is the core objective of all its departments. Only when such a strategy will be adopted, the company will be able to gain success. Developing customer loyalty programs- The customers can be adopted with loyalty programs, cards and club offers in order to increase retention in the organization. Conducting surveys regularly- The Company needs to conduct customer surveys regularly in order to ensure that they are meeting up with the demands of the consumers (Merat Bo, 2013). Customer Relationship management technology- With the advent of technology, adopting customer relationship management technology is the key to success. References Aithal, P. S. (2016). Study on ABCD analysis technique for business models, business strategies, operating concepts business systems.Browser Download This Paper. (2018). Home | Carrefour Oman. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Apr. 2018]. Dobbs, M. (2014). Guidelines for applying Porter's five forces framework: a set of industry analysis templates.Competitiveness Review,24(1), 32-45. Johnson, G. 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