Monday, May 25, 2020

Small Company Y2k Report Essays - Calendars, Software Bugs, COBOL

Little Company Y2k Report Essays - Calendars, Software Bugs, COBOL Little Company Y2k Report Chapter by chapter list 1. Presentation 2. Testing Procedure 3. Equipment and Software Compliance 4. Synopsis 1. Presentation Year 2000, Y2K or Millennium Bug! What's going on here? It is an issue coming about because of the normal programming practice of utilizing just two-digits to store the year in programming. The training goes back to the 1950's when PCs started to be utilized for business purposes. Utilizing two digits for dates is considerate and causes no mischief insofar as the following year is a bigger number than the present year. For instance programming applications that utilization dates have no issue with the arrangement of 95,96,97,98 and 99. Be that as it may, when the century closes, the year 2000 will be put away as 00. Counts or choices, in light of dates or timespans, can turn out badly. How is it fixed? Inregard to individual and independent company PCs, the issue is three overlay. Right off the bat, the PC equipment must report the present date accurately. Numerous PCs, particularly early Pentiums, 486, 386 and 286 based machines, will on the first January 2000 Return to 1 April 1980 or some other date. Along these lines making a potential issue until the right date is returned - gave obviously that the PC can be set physically to a date past 311299. Computation of Leap Year dates may likewise be erroneous on certain PCs. Furthermore, the PC programming must complete the right counts dependent on a four-digit year (for example 1999 or 2000 and so on) as opposed to simply utilizing the last two digits. The provider or producer of the product ought to be drawn closer to determine the consistence of their code, or their timetable to have it revised and dispersed. Thirdly, your information must be in the right organization - to be specific year depicted as a four-digit number. On the off chance that your dates have been entered as depicted over (that is fifteenth Feb 1955 entered as 150255), at that point you have an information change to be done. Testing Procedure To decide whether Windows NT 4.0 ,Win95 and would move to the suitable date, the control board applet DATE&TIME(d&t) was utilized to change the dates. The machines d&t were set to the day preceding each date sketched out in the reminder. The machine date was changed to a control time of 11:59:45 PM for each situation. The machine date was then permitted to move to the date being referred to. The machine d&t was then reset to the past date and control time. This time the machine was rebooted while the time was moving to the date being referred to. For each situation, after the time rolled, the date was checked to locate the right date. WinNT and Win95 Explorer was then opened and a document in the 'c:winnt' and 'c:windows' registry was changed to check whether a spared record related with the right date. The information from these tests is characterized in the accompanying table. 'Information and Time Tested' segment are the Control esteems found in the notice. Both 'Post Test Date' sections are the dates found in each occurrence after the date moved from the 'Date&Time Tested' segment to the date being referred to. The 'Post Explorer check' was tried to check whether the machine announced the perfect time. 'Post alteration dates' are document dates after the record was spared to check the relating date. In each test, no issues with the d&t were experienced. Results: The testing really made a few unique things happen to the OS. At whatever point I rolled the date forward, The accompanying indexes changed the date related with them: Windows NT Test C:Winnt, C:WinntSystem32, C:WinntFonts, C:Temp. Windows 95 Test C:Windows, C:WindowsSystem, C:WindowsFonts, C:Temp This appeared to be peculiar in light of the fact that the machine time stamp wouldn't move back when the time was changed in reverse, however this isn't a piece of the test strategy. At the point when the time really changes the date will move forward and remain. It won't roll in reverse. I don't have a clue whether this influences the testing however it would be absolutely difficult to revamp the machine each time the test was run. This would take numerous hours to do and it most likely won't influence the information in any case. Before I began testing, I looked on the Internet to perceive the thing Microsoft said about WinNT 4.0, Win95 and the y2k issue. On this site, there are connections to all Microsoft Products. For WinNT 4.0, there were 4

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